In-Powered and On Track Live Masterclass with Karen Ross

Despite this rather bumpy start we are having on some levels (ie. weather in NZ and ongoing change for a start!), this is a year touted as being full of promise for creating what you wish for yourself and those around you. While it may bring its challenges it’s also a year brimming with opportunity and possibility.
So, how do you harness this opportunity and make happen those things that really matter to you?
You get really good at staying in your own lane; at staying centred within yourself mentally, emotionally and energetically, and focused on what you’re creating. Not to the exclusion of everyone or everything around you of course, but with much more clarity and steadiness within and for yourself.
If instead, you’re feeling like a cork bobbing around on a choppy sea you are not alone. It’s a common phenomenon right now.
Recent weather events have been stressful and disruptive, to say the very least for those badly affected, and seeing what other people are going through is stressful in itself.
There is constant change going on.
Political and economic change and uncertainty continues, flamed by certain media outlets.
Maybe you’ve come back from holidays not as refreshed as you would like.
Work is already ballooning for many.
All this on the back of a tough few years and feeling at the mercy of all this stuff going on around us.
It’s a lot.
And … we are being called to find our own inner equilibrium in the midst of it.
Yes, I said this last year and probably the year before. And it remains true!
The question is, how easily are you doing that?
It takes practice and skill to be able to keep coming back to your own centre and groundedness, to focus back on what matters to you, and to be able to channel your energy effectively.
Because of this, I am offering this free masterclass designed to simplify the art of staying in-powered within yourself and on track throughout the year.
You will discover how to:
- Better stay in your own energy (mentally, emotionally, and energetically) so that you can be in your own flow amidst current events, work pressures, family demands, and, well, life.
- Have clarity on your own vision and intentions for the year.
- Stay focused on a daily basis so that your goals and priorities don’t get lost in the day-to-day busy-ness.
- Course-correct in the midst of a day when you notice yourself getting disrupted, stressed, or off track so that you can channel your energy as effectively as possible.
These simple, elegant strategies won’t add a huge amount more to your day, because I know you do not need anything more to do, or any more complexity, but they will bring more ease and flow instead.
The class will be clarifying, tank-filling, in-powering and it will move you forward.
You’ll enjoy your year more, feel in-powered and stay on track.
Yes, I’d love to attend!
Can’t make it to the live class?
You’ll receive access to the live replay and all class resources.
Meet your expert coach – Karen Ross
Karen Ross is an expert coach, intuitive healer and speaker, working with business owners and professionals like you who want to raise their game in life and love what they do. She has been working with people in business to develop, perform and succeed for over 16 years. She has coached and trained hundreds of staff and leaders in over a dozen countries, from Europe to the Pacific, including KPMG International, Minter Ellison Rudd Watts, BDO New Zealand and Soar Print.
Karen’s work is a unique blend of the personal and professional; her coaching and healing work encompass both the practical side of putting in place new and useful strategies, and facilitating transformational change. Karen sees our work journey as part of our personal journey of evolution, because often the biggest breakthroughs in our professional lives come from the deep shifts we make personally.
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