Life Coaching in Auckland
So you’re looking for life coaching, but what are you really looking for?
- Perhaps you’re looking to feel like you’re firing on all cylinders at work in a way that makes your day feel incredible.
- Or you want to be smoking hot in your meetings, inspiring the daylights out of your staff, and getting so much done that you sail out of the office on a wave of pleasure.
- Or you’re looking for the energy to be truly present when you get home – with your partner or your kids (yes, you can enjoy bath time!).
- Perhaps you want to get on top of some emotional difficulties you’re struggling with?
- Maybe you just want to get a good night’s sleep and wake up happy to get out of bed.
So why haven’t you gotten there yet?
Perhaps you’ve tried a bunch of things, and attempted to solve this already? You’ve no doubt tried will-power. You may have had some success, but have not yet got the results you really want. Maybe it feels too hard, or like nothing will work, or that it’s you, you just can’t change? Wrong!
This was my experience too, until I discovered that you really can be in charge of what is going on in there! (I’ve also learned that if something looks impossible, you just don’t have enough information yet!)
The trick is to take charge of what is going on inside yourself, on all levels.
More than 90% of what you think, feel, say and do every day is generated unconsciously. This is why when you are reacting in a way that you don’t want to be, it can really help to tap into those unconscious responses and change them. It’s then even easier to learn new skills or respond differently right from the get-go.
Coaching is a powerful way to clear out the OLD patterns, beliefs, conditioning and emotional baggage that hold you back. Because under the stress, the frustration and the worry is your innate, naturally occurring, 1500% yours, natural brilliance. Boom.
It’s time to clear out the cobwebs and tap into that brilliance.
This is what I get out of bed for every morning!
> Praise
Karen is amazing!! With her help I have learnt how to manage my stress levels both in my personal life and work life, and have been able to enjoy both a lot more. As soon as I met Karen I instantly felt more relaxed and able to focus and manage more efficiently. Thanks again Karen you really do work wonders.”
Lauren Daly, South Island Area Manager
“Before I started working with Karen I had let my work, and stress, get the better of me. I regularly felt ill and had little or no tolerance for challenge or conflict – my stress response was immediate, and unhealthy. Working through a six-month programme with Karen has been life-changing – both professionally and personally. Karen is an incredibly intuitive coach who has helped me to deal with my immediate challenges, but more importantly has also helped me to re-frame my whole attitude to work, and stress, and take control of how I am feeling. My re-discovered positivity and drive is now clearly visible and is making a positive difference in my workplace.
Business Leader, Christchurch
I’m always really up front about my approach to coaching because I’m not what I would call a traditional life coach and although I’m NLP-trained, I’m also not a purist NLP coach either! It’s important you choose a coach with a style and approach that suits you. I draw on fifteen years experience in my private coaching practice, a range of modalities and my intuitive approach which has developed markedly in recent years. It’s hard sometimes to put labels on these things, but I’m essentially a life and business coach and intuitive healer all rolled into one and I work with a transformation focus.
That means when I go on a coaching journey with a client we are usually moving between classic coaching activities like goal setting, planning, hacks and skills for stress, wellness, communication, time management, leadership and literally anything in the sphere of personal effectiveness and professional development. We will also work through specific processes if we’re looking at career direction for instance. And we’ll do transformational change work, emotional healing, inner child work and trauma clearing wherever relevant.
Essentially, we go wherever we need to go in a given session to help you get where you want to go. This approach is highly tailored to your outcomes, your own style and pace of healing and change, and what is needed or of highest priority on a given day.
Life Coaching Can Help You:
- Deal with stress and build resilience
- Fire on cylinders at work in a whole new way
- Connect back to your true self and help you on your spiritual journey
- Heal emotional wounds
- Build confidence and self esteem
- Overcome stage fright or public speaking fear
- Resolve fears and phobias or trauma
- Relieve anxiety or depression
- Increase your energy levels
- Improve and nurture your relationships
- Clarify your goals for life and create a plan to make them happen
More than 90% of what you think, feel, say and do every day is generated unconsciously. This is why it can feel really stuck. Transformational coaching is really like ‘coaching on steroids’ because we focus on tapping into those unconscious responses and changing them.
It’s possible (and so worthwhile!) to clear out the OLD patterns, beliefs, conditioning and emotional baggage that hold you back. And you get to unleash your best self – at work and in life.
The work Karen has done with me so far has helped me immensely. Firstly, I have broken through a bout of severe depression that I had been suffering for months. It is hard to describe how grateful I am to have found myself again.”
Rachel, Actress
I’ve found over the years that the most effective way for you to get the best results is through tailored coaching packages and you can check them out here. Feel free to book a free phone consultation to help you explore the options and choose the best one for you.
Life Coaching Sessions
Sessions take place by via Zoom or phone and I work with people around New Zealand and around the globe (time difference dependent). First sessions are usually 2-hours long, then sometimes weekly over the first month for an hour each, and then approximately fortnightly for one hour, but this is tailored for each client.
It’s pretty easy. If you’d like to book or find out more please get in touch. We’d love to talk to you and find out what will really make a difference to you. Feel free to book a free phone consultation to help you explore the options and choose the best one for you.
Call us on 0800 TO START (0800 867 827) or 021 403 408. Or email today.
It would be a privilege to help you breakthrough this stuff and move forward today.
> Praise
I’d like to take the opportunity to give you some feedback about how I am feeling in these tough times, and to be honest, I am feeling … great! It feels a bit wrong to admit that at the moment with so much suffering around the globe, but the work we did together last year has really helped me keep perspective on all the challenges that I am facing right now, and my stress levels are generally very low. I feel like I am being as productive as I possibly can be, and my frame of mind is helping me make good decisions (for me and for everyone around me) in the current situation.”
Peter Sewell, Director
“I have been doing internal work for a long time but was not having much luck with traditional methods. I was tired of analysing the past and wanted to look instead towards the future. With Karen I have made leaping positive changes in weeks on issues that I had been carrying my whole life. My whole outlook is slowly changing and for the first time in my life I am looking toward the future with enthusiasm and anticipation. Karen is the best investment in my future that I have ever made.”
“I would like to offer my most sincere thanks to you for my ‘marathon’ breakthrough session last Tuesday. That was possibly the most valuable six hours of my life! I returned to fulltime work yesterday, and my colleagues just cannot believe the changes in me…”
T.B., Auckland
“I come out of a session with Karen feeling like I’ve just had a great big shower of joy.”
Diane, Auckland
I wanted to begin an online business and leave teaching. I also needed help dealing with a recent separation from my partner, sorting through finances. I was also solo parenting my teenagers, one of whom was very depressed and anxious. I now feel like I’m on purpose in the world and life is flowing. Karen is such an accepting person who moves your life forward in an enormous number of ways. Thank you for opening my eyes to my potential and restarting my life again.”
Melanie Medland
“I’m feeling so at peace with me and who I am. Thank you for your help in creating a clear clean space and I look forward to the future and the rest of my life.”
Charlotte, Christchurch
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