Knowing why you do what you do is at the heart of a fulfilling life, so here’s a glimpse into why we do what we do + our philosophy.
Start With You Manifesto
We believe that it’s possible to change how you think + navigate life without spending years in therapy.
We believe it’s possible to have the professional, personal, internal life you want without a nose-to-the-grindstone mind-set or debilitating stress.
We believe in the combined power of leading edge science and self-development.
We believe in the deep, healing power of changed neural pathways (… and chocolate!)
We believe that absolutely anyone is capable of huge, spectacular change and growth when given the correct tools and a customized plan of action.
We believe we have those tools to help you manage stress, reclaim your energy and maintain a peaceful heart and mind.
And we’d love to share them with you.
Vision + Purpose
Our vision is to empower transformation in the world by helping people to take charge of their mind and emotions.
To make a difference to a million people through transformational programmes, tools and writing.
You are the wand.
Your change starts with you and we show you how. We are passionate about helping you weave your own magic, and get back in the driver’s seat of your life.
Walking the talk, honey.
We do our best by our clients by being honest, delivering genuine messages, and offering authenticity in all that we do.
We rock (for you).
We love to bring you leading edge approaches, delivered with just the right balance of warmth, love and the occasional kick up the backside (when required!), backed up by unwavering professionalism to help you experience exceptional results.
It’s all personal.
Splitting yourself between your personal and professional lives is simply old school, folks. Our focus is on serving the Whole Self; mind, body, heart + spirit.
Ditching mediocrity.
We don’t want you to do what everyone else does just because everybody else does it! We like the unconventional and we love helping our clients create the (unique) life they want.
“I’d rather be whole than good.”
~ Carl Jung