Are you feeling a tad knocked around by the current goings-on?
Are you finding it hard to regain or maintain your equilibrium day to day?
Would you like to be able to thrive through this period, rather than just cope or survive it?
Or would you like to simply be more present – at work and at home?
If you’re feeling any of these, take a look at RISE: A 90-day journey to help you get your hands thoroughly on the steering wheel – of your emotions, your energy, your focus, and where your life is going right now.
Things may feel unpredictable and well, all over the place some days, but it is possible to steady your own ship and keep it that way as much as possible.
The ever-shifting pandemic climate and the daily realities of lockdowns and post-lockdowns are all pushing and pressuring us in many ways. I feel the focus needs to be on staying ‘sovereign’ and in one’s own energy while these dynamics play out.
It’s about ‘controlling what you can control’ and staying your own course.
“We’re going through a pandemic and I’m in a better space than I was before it. I’m content and in a good space to support my staff which is important to me to be able to do. I’m really pleased.”
Alex Mitch, Owner, DPF Solution
RISE is for you if you want to:
- Be more present in your day, at work and with your loved ones
- Smooth out your emotional ups and downs, and feel steadier overall.
- Be able to stay in your own clear energy when interacting with others and the world around you.
- Not just get yourself back to a calm baseline but actually expand your resilience and become stronger overall.
- Be the one driving your day and your week and be less disrupted by circumstances and others’ agendas.
- Gain powerful discernment about what adds energy or takes it from you.
- Get fresh perspectives on the World situation and your own personal journey.
- Be able to stay on your own path, focus on what you want to create in your life, and keep moving forward positively.
- Grow within and take yourself to a whole new level.
- Gather with others who are also growing themselves and taking charge of their own paths.
- Be a stronger, more centred, and powerful version of yourself.
This situation we find ourselves in globally and locally is one ripe with opportunity to grow ourselves – to not just survive it and come out in one piece, but to actually evolve ourselves to a whole new level of being
Let’s up-level
Having worked closely with people during the pandemic, I’ve seen numerous clients up-levelling all over the place. They’re stronger and more resilient than they were before lockdowns and all of these challenges.
And I can honestly say that for me personally, last year was one of the most transformational periods of my life. We can RISE!
I would so love to share with you what I’ve learned and walk beside you in the coming months as you up-level too and become more of your amazing, authentic self.
If this is resonating, I would love you to join me. If it’s not, that’s okay too, because this really is designed for those who are reading this and thinking, “Oh, yes, yes, yes, that’s me! Let me at it!” 🙂
The programme will cover:
- What you can do on the daily to lift your energy and feel more in control.
- The biggest growth opportunity we have right in front of us right now and how your relationship to control can make all the difference.
- Principles for living in your own sovereignty on a daily basis.
- Energy management and how to ground, keep your energy clear and balance your body.
- What deep self-care really means and how to do it.
- Living The Flow Manifesto – my blueprint for living in line with universal laws and the natural flow of life, instead of the push and strive of the stress cycle.
- Principles and strategies of intentionality and the metaphysics of manifestation – how to get what you want and how to stay on your own course in the midst of a people other people’s stresses.
- And more!
This will be the first time I’ve shared some of these tools and practices in a group context and I’m so excited!.
You will get:
- Approaches to protect and increase your mental and physical energy – some of which will save you time, not take you time
- Tools for energy management and simple daily practices for keeping your emotional self and energetic self clear and comfortable.
- Live guided experience to shift stuck emotional patterns and lower stress.
- Downloadable guided practices and meditations.
- Accompanying tools and handouts.
- Tools and approaches that will serve you for months and years to come.
- An intimate community of fellow travellers taking this journey with you.
- Online group calls via Zoom – up to 90mins
- Two Q&A calls via Zoom – 60mins
Thur 7 April 6.30pm Group class
Thur 21 April 6.30pm Group class
Thur 5 May 6.30pm Q&A/Coaching
Thur 19 May 6.30pm Group class
Thur 2 June 6.30pm Group class
Thur 16 June 6.30pm Q&A/Coaching
Thur 30 June 6.30pm Group class
Thur 14 July 6.30pm Group class
Thur 28 July 6.30pm Integration and Completion
“I’d like to take the opportunity to give you some feedback about how I am feeling in these tough times, and to be honest, I am feeling … great! The work we did together last year has really helped me keep perspective on all the challenges that I am facing right now. My frame of mind is helping me make good decisions (for me and for everyone around me) in the current situation.”
Peter Sewell, Director
If you’d like to come on this journey with me, here are the options:
$255/mth x3 mths or $695 upfront
(USD$179 / USD$489)
• Live group classes with Karen via Zoom. 60-70 min sessions.
• Two live group Q&A/Coaching sessions via Zoom.
• Handouts and course materials will be provided electronically for easy access.
• Audio and meditation downloads.
• Classes will be recorded and made available for replay.
• Email support throughout the programme.
$725/mth x3 mths or $1,997 upfront
(USD$509 / USD$1400)
• All Standard Pass class programme features.
• Four one-to-one coaching sessions with Karen via phone over 90-days to do deep dive healing and clearing of triggers and emotional patterns, and individualised transformation.
• Unlimited email access through this period.
• Access to any tools or resources from Karen’s suite of materials as relevant.
This group programme is limited to 12 people max. Gold pass is limited to 6 people max.
We’re going to be diving into the nuts and bolts of energy management and intentionality, and I’m not likely to include space for the basics of state management/stress reduction. I’m actually going to assume you have this already and build on it. That means you’ve attended one or more of my online masterclasses or seen and read my Start Me Up Toolkit. If you have not, it would be very helpful for you to watch at least the Start Me Up Toolkit and/or Settling Your Nervous System in Unsettling Times so that you have these foundation understandings and tools. (They’re both free).
You’re welcome to book your spot and then catch one or more of these classes before the course kicks off, and please reach out if you have any questions.
Meet your expert coach – Karen Ross
Karen Ross is an expert coach, intuitive healer and speaker, working with business owners and professionals like you who want to raise their game in life and love what they do. She has been working with people in business to develop, perform and succeed for over 16 years. She has coached and trained hundreds of staff and leaders in over a dozen countries, from Europe to the Pacific, including KPMG International, Minter Ellison Rudd Watts, BDO New Zealand and Soar Print.
Karen’s work is a unique blend of the personal and professional; her coaching and healing work encompass both the practical side of putting in place new and useful strategies, and facilitating transformational change. Karen sees our work journey as part of our personal journey of evolution, because often the biggest breakthroughs in our professional lives come from the deep shifts we make personally.
She runs her coaching and training practice, Start With You, based in beautiful New Zealand.
Building Sovereignty
At an individual level, sovereignty by definition means “complete independence and self-government”. To me, it’s about having dominion over your self – your mind, emotions, body and energy. It’s about being able to stay in your own energy despite what is going on external to you – with another person/people, at work, in the community, or in the world.
This is at the heart of everything I do in my work because I believe every single person on the planet has the right to this dominion over themselves.
Sovereignty is about remaining steady and centred even when others are not.
It’s about being able to move ahead on your own path even when surrounded by uncertainty.
It’s about living intentionally and responding powerfully instead of simply reacting to everything going on around you – from kids screaming in the other room to the government and media.
It’s about having the tools and inner capacity to be even-keeled even then. Oh, and to let your emotions come and move when they need to as well. We are feeling beings, after all.
Of course, when you have this kind of adaptability and self-possession, you’re able to bring a more resourceful self to others as well – as a parent, partner, friend, sibling and leader.
This is what I help my clients do across various areas of their lives.
It’s fair to say that the coming months are unpredictable and there are many things out of our control. But there are a few things you can absolutely take control of and one of them is yourself.
Your perspective, your self-care, your wellness, your mind, emotions and body.
Your own path of evolution.