Business Coaching in Auckland | Karen Ross | Start With You

Intuitive Business Coaching for conscious leaders and business owners

You’re INTELLIGENT. You’ve got BIG IDEAS and a BIGGER HEART. You’ve got DRIVE for DAYS.

And you know that life has exciting things planned for you (hell, you’ve got exciting things planned for you!).

You’ve envisioned the unshakable confidence to make your next bold move - whether it’s launching a new project, taking your business in a new direction or to the next level, or planning your strategic exit.


You can’t quite make those exciting things happen - and not for lack of trying! You’ve read all the books, mapped out your vision boards, done the planning, and maybe even tried yoga and meditation to channel that calm, focused, energised version of yourself.

And yet, the change isn’t sticking. You know what needs to be done, but something is keeping you stuck, and it’s frustrating because you know you’re capable of more. You’re SO ready for more!

Sound Familiar?

If it does, a) you’re not alone, and b) you’re in the right place.

As a business coach and intuitive healer, I work with conscious women in business to help you pivot smoothly, guiding you to operate from your most empowered, highest self.

What if you could drop fully into your inner authority and feel crystal clear about what you want work and life to look like, and curate it in such a way that everything is in balance and you’re living in flow?

No more feeling stuck, overwhelmed, or held back by self-doubt or other people. No more playing small. No more taking two steps back for every one step forward.

Just smooth, soul-aligned progress.

This is the version of you that the world is waiting for - and it’s your Divine right to step into it.

And now’s the time.

Get in touch for a life-expanding conversation about unlocking your most expansive, confident, and fulfilled self.

Karen x

Start with you. Because you can’t control everything in the world, but you can take control of yourself.