Would you like a typical day to feel a little calmer and more enjoyable?
Would you like to feel clear headed and resilient in the face of change or challenge? To be more genuinely productive?
Would like to stop stress from stealing your energy, focus and mojo?
I used to be there too! Looking back, there are a few specific tools and understandings I wish I’d had in my stress junkie days, which in retrospect got me out of the stress cycle faster than anything else. I can’t go back, but I can give you the short-cuts – that’s what this masterclass is all about.
Yes, the journey out of the stress cycle is not an overnight one and I will share strategies that support that process, but do you like the idea of being able to drop your stress levels noticeably in just one day? I believe it’s totally doable and I will show you how.
We will cover:
• The one decision that can propel you out of everyday stress, once and for all.
• The myths of stress that keep us on the hamster wheel and how to break out of them.
• How to shift your body out of the stress response in 30 seconds – and there’s more than one way!
• Three simple non-time-consuming strategies for reducing stress in your day.
• The one thing to cut out or cut down on to reduce everyday stress immediately.
This is for you if:
• You’re unhappy with your stress levels.
• You’re overwhelmed or stuck.
• You want to get your stress levels down but have no idea where to start.
• You know you could be truly firing on all cylinders at work if only you could get your stress handled.
• You want solutions that are not going to take a lot of your precious time.
Let’s get you less stressed in a day with this powerful masterclass.
90-minute Online Class – watch at a time convenient to you.
PDF Handbook Download.
About Karen
Karen Ross is an ex corporate woman and recovered stress junkie turned Coach and Intuitive Healer who knows how to get stressed-out business owners and professionals out of the mire of busy-ness + burnout and into their ideal flow of ease, brilliance and enjoyment at work. She is off-the-scale passionate about helping people in business to find their new normal, escape the stress cycle and craft their life to be an expression of who they really are – both at home and at work. Oh, and live soul-led lives. Hell yeah.
For 20 years she has coached and trained hundreds of staff and leaders in over a dozen countries, from UK and Europe to the Pacific including KPMG International, Minter Ellison Rudd Watts, BDO NZ and Soar Print.
Karen believes that our work journey is part of our personal journey of evolution, and so often the biggest breakthroughs in our professional lives come from the deep shifts we make personally. In this way, it’s all personal, and so her work focuses on you becoming your most authentic, fully realised self – at work and in life.
“We’re going through a pandemic
and I’m in a better space than I was before it. I’m content and in a good space to support my staff which is important to me to be able to do. I’m really pleased.”
Alex Mitch, Owner, DPF Solutions
“Taking ownership of my time
and the strategies for leaving work and making time for play were fantastic for me. Previously, I have found that I would be mentally at work for hours (and weekends) after the conclusion of a working day which wasn’t very fair to my partner or myself. Even if I was at home, I would be grumpy and irritable because I really felt like I should still be working.”
Marketing Manager, New Zealand
“Karen is amazing!!
With her help I have learnt how to manage my stress levels both in my personal life and work life, and have been able to enjoy both a lot more. Karen’s techniques and lessons are very inspiring and helpful with her amazing knowledge. As soon as I met Karen I instantly felt more relaxed and able to focus and manage more efficiently. Thanks again Karen you really do work wonders.”
Lauren Daly, South Island Area Manager