If you’re feeling stressed, overwhelmed or too hot under the collar at times for your own liking, you’re not alone. Stress is very common and managing it can be a real challenge. Having good tools is essential to stress management – and actually it’s not about managing stress, it’s about transforming it. It’s about realising that you can learn to shift out of your responses – and it only needs to take a minute.
Want to shake some stress out of your body right now?
Want to release anxiety out of your body?
Just need a pep up, some energising?
This is a quick and easy technique for doing just that.
An effective way to shift your internal emotional or stress state is using your physical body and its ability to move. in particular, there are certain ways we move our body that are doorways into the nervous system. They our allow us to influence our current nervous system state (eg. fight, flight or freeze) and shift our internal chemistry so we can feel differently. And I’m talking in the moment, not in five minutes time or after an hour of breathwork or running (although those can be good too) but in less than a minute. There are a number of techniques I teach that work like this, and one of those is the Mood Mover™. That’s what I want to share with you here today. It works a treat!
Watch here:
If you’re experiencing tension in your body, overwhelm, worry or anxiety, take a moment to do the Mood Mover and see what a difference it makes. Sometimes you might need to do it twice or for a bit longer to help the chemistry in the body move and release.
Here goes:
Stand up, ground yourself, and then shake your hands vigorously. Lift them above your shoulders and keeping shaking!
Then look up to the ceiling and turn up the corners of your mouth.
As you look straight up, notice it’s not easy to have a serious thought – in fact it’s impossible to have a serious thought as you look up!
And when you turn up the corners of your mouth, serotonin is automatically released in the brain, it is a biological response.
And now, say Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes!
Now, as you bring your hands down and relax your body, is that old feeling there, or has it gone now? I expect it is gone.
You have just changed the chemistry throughout your whole body.
Please don’t be put off by having to make sound with this technique. If necessary just do the ‘Yes yes yes’ part in your head only if you’re within earshot of someone, but don’t let it stop you. I’ve had all sorts of clients use this in all sorts of situations from barristers just before they go into a courtroom, to kids outside the classroom before they go into a test. A few brave souls have taught this to their teams and use it to kick off or enliven team meetings. Enjoy!
This is more than stress management, this is about taking charge of how you experience your life.
For my full suite of tools and approaches for building everyday resilience and to finally see the back end of your old stress patterns, check out my seven week Online Resilience Series.
I show you where to start, what tools to put in place and help you make solid practical changes straight away. Changes that last.
Check out the full course info here.
Karen x
Start Me Up Toolkit: Video + eBook
Find out more about how to apply The Mood Mover™ and how to take charge of your stress. Register for the Start Me Up Toolkit, and receive your FREE video and eBook … giving you the three fastest ways (you haven’t heard of) to beat stress and take charge of your state.
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The three fastest ways (you haven’t heard of) to beat stress
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