If you’re like most humans, you start the year with the best of intentions, and even start off quite well; taking action towards your goals or practising the new work-life balance you want. And it probably went quite well, until March at least (which is when, for many people, one wheel starts to wobble slightly), or until June-ish when winter kicks ... [Read On]
Summer Book Reviews – She’s on the Money
She’s on the Money By Victoria Devine There are some really great books out there about money mindset and it’s probably one of the hottest topics on self-help shelves and in the world of personal development right now. I think so many of us were raised with either poor examples of money beliefs and money management, or we witnessed very mixed ... [Read On]
The Power of Intention
What if you could craft your life each day as if it is a work of art? Let me tell you, you can. We are living in a rather frantic world right now, with many demands in our time, more distractions than ever before and more restrictions and control than we’ve ever seen in our lifetimes. This makes it all too easy to feel out of control and like ... [Read On]
Comfort Can Kill Your Spirit
I’ve been super inspired by a number of clients recently who have opted out of their current jobs because of poor leadership, limited opportunities, or a crappy culture. They’ve defined their ideal role or next step and then gone and got it. So good! This is on the back of thinking a lot lately about how attached we can become to the comfort of ... [Read On]
Whole Happy Well
I’ve been thinking a lot a lot lately about how many of our patterns and behaviours are driven by a sense of needing to be available for others and to ‘perform’. Historically my motivation for getting a good night's sleep was so that I could work hard (usually for someone else). I was motivated to eat healthily and keep my weight at a good ... [Read On]
Is it time for a digital holiday?
As Easter approaches I'm diving into a week-long digital holiday. I haven’t actually done a proper digital holiday for a couple of years, but my whole being has been screaming for it, and it seems like a very good time to switch off and unplug. Being in nature is really all I’m in the mood for right now, and in amongst a bit of wet weather, I’ll be ... [Read On]
Start With You Means Having Sovereignty Over Yourself
When I rebranded my business to Start With You back in 2015, it was after a lot of exploring and soul-searching, primarily about why I do what I do and what it’s really about. (I can highly recommend Simon Sinek’s book “Start With Why” and his online resources to help with this process, by the way. Oh, and it wasn’t until the following day after ... [Read On]
These ain’t normal times, peeps (watch out for subliminal stress)
This week, one of the coach directories I belong to, Get Coached, posted a poignant message:You are not ‘working from home’. You are at home, during a crisis, trying to work.While I’m not a fan of dramatic words like ‘crisis’, it’s hard to argue with it right now.We all have a lot on our minds. There’s a lot going on, a fair amount of uncertainty ... [Read On]
Sometimes the practical tools are just not enough
I’ve always been quite a practical person – able to fix a blown fuse or repair a piece of broken china, or organise a kitchen to work well for the cook. And when I think about it, this actually pervades my approach to personal and professional change and stress transformation. As soon as I started specialising in stress and resilience for instance, ... [Read On]
Stripping things back to the essentials
For me, June has been a month of enjoying the simplicities of life; enjoying a thermos of fresh ginger tea on cold mornings, lighting candles in the early wintry evenings. With all the rain we’ve had here, I’ve been chasing the sun on the days it has appeared and soaking it up. I’m feeling like my solar battery has been filled up again. Sunshine is ... [Read On]