I’m super proud of many of my clients who have rallied and responded to their own business challenges with fantastic resilience and wisdom. It seems like a good time to share some of their secrets and talk about what the most resilient leaders do to not only get through, but to also thrive through challenge - and take their people with them. ... [Read On]
Survival Guide for Working from Home
If you are working from home right now, and a few weeks ago you weren’t, I salute you. That’s such a huge transition and you are doing it. My hat’s off to you! If you’re doing it in conjunction with your other half, the kids, the dog and the budgie, two hats off to you! I think the transition has been variable for people because of logistics ... [Read On]
The Balancing Act of Keeping Calm and Carrying On
How are you doing at this time? If you’re like most people, you are feeling okay one minute and a bit freaked out, daunted or worried the next. All perfectly normal behaviour in the midst of a global pandemic. Keeping the balance between taking appropriate action, being in the moment and keeping the body and emotions calm really helps of ... [Read On]
Free Online Class – Settling Your Nervous System
45-minute Online Class on Settling Your Nervous System in Unsettling Times SIGN UP NOW I don’t know about you, but back in March 2020 in the midst of lockdown I had what was probably the most emotionally variable week of my life. Our nervous systems each have their own patterns and nuances. My nervous system tends towards over-stimulation than ... [Read On]
Use Our Words to Power Our Way Through This Situation
We all know how powerful language is and how our words shape our reality and perception - and there sure are a lot of words circling around this situation we find ourselves in. Take a moment today to check for yourself if the words you’re using and emphasising are helping you to feel empowered and powerful, or defensive and alone, or ... [Read On]
Being in the Here and Now in a Crisis
If you’ve been swinging between dealing with right now, and worrying about the future, you’re probably on par with many people. There are a few different opinions on this and I’ve given it some careful thought – right now the most useful place you could put your attention is on the here and now. I will write again about how to be thinking about the ... [Read On]
How to Make the Most of Your Holidays
Updated 15/12/21 One of my favourite tips to share with clients is this tiny but awesome strategy for getting the best out of your experience when you’re going on holiday. Whether it’s a long weekend or a month-long holiday, or anything in between, this simple practice can make a profound difference to how you experience your time away - and how ... [Read On]
There is never a ‘right time’ with your stress levels
I talk to people who are stressed all the time. This is partly because I specialise in stress and resilience, and partly because most of the planet is stressed. In this mix, I periodically talk to someone who is thinking of doing the Online Resilience Series I offer and lately it has been reminding me a lot of when I was in that stress cycle. It's ... [Read On]
How to stay SANE in the lead up to Christmas
I’m not going to mention how many days it is until Christmas because I hate it when people do that. I’d much rather remain ignorant and pretend the year isn’t moving along at quite such the break-neck speed it is. However, given that it is mere weeks away and silly season is certainly kicking in (today on a five minute drive from my house to my ... [Read On]
Tip for Self-Care – What Does My Body Need Today?
I’ve been reflecting today on how keeping yourself healthy and covering off all the elements of 'daily self-care' can feel like quite a long to-do list. If we think about eating healthily, drinking plenty of water, getting our daily exercise, breathing, resting, meditating or praying, getting enough sleep, taking the right vitamins, and, and, and, ... [Read On]