I’m noticing how differently people are responding to this situation, as we certainly have different circumstances to navigate. There are two scenarios I really want to speak to for a moment that you might relate to. The first is that you might be coping really well right now, you might be feeling clear-headed, able to make good decisions and accept that this is going to be a process to go through. Similarly, you might be feeling pretty okay about being in lockdown and making the most of having time at home, time with your kids and/or time to yourself. I’ve had a few people say to me in the last couple of weeks that they feel a bit uncomfortable about that, that it feels kind of bad when so many people are struggling with these changes, restrictions and uncertainty and so many are suffering around the world. I have also had bouts of feeling guilty that I’m resilient and resourceful in many ways.
I want to encourage you to be okay with your resourcefulness and to feel the strength and resilience you bring to the world when you are in this state. It means you can lead through this situation and help others look beyond the current challenges, support them and help them rise more quickly. These are your gifts at this time and we need strong leaders in business and the community to be able to do this. It’s okay to feel good, and you will be a contribution as a result. It’s also far better for your immunity, energy levels and mental clarity to be in a good-feeling state. It’s good for everyone!
When our patterns rise to the surface when the proverbial sh*t hits the fan, it’s always an opportunity for transformation.
The second scenario is where perhaps in some areas you’re not coping, at least in moments. This can be for all sorts of reasons. Perhaps you were already fairly stressed at work or home which is now exacerbated by this situation. Maybe you have old trauma coming up from previous experiences such as the GFC/recession, the Christchurch earthquake, previous business challenges or even old childhood trauma. Perhaps you’re experiencing the collective global grief we are going through. These are all really normal by the way. Many people will be in this boat – if not every day, then in moments. And any of these responses can really take it out of you.
By the middle of last week I was feeling fairly brain-fried and at one point needed to just walk out of my office for the rest of the day. I soon worked out that I had old trauma surfacing that needed to be taken care of. I did that over the following couple of days, had some time off and by the weekend was feeling on an even keel again.
This is also a time when old limiting beliefs and blocks will be surfacing around money, good health, safety, relationships – you name it, it could come up. Write these down as you notice them, remove judgement of yourself around them and bring as much acceptance to them as possible. This will help move some of the energy straight away, then you can decide what else you want to do about them. Tapping is one way to start clearing these blocks – hence I’m running a free online class this week to help shift stress around the current situation and you can use it for other things too. If you haven’t already seen my book review of Get Rich Lucky Bitch (written for women but also great advice for men) check it out.
You may have heard me say before that when our patterns rise to the surface when the proverbial sh*t hits the fan, it’s always an opportunity for transformation. And right now, that is truer than ever before my friends. Don’t feel useless for ‘not coping’. Don’t lay judgement on yourself. Be compassionate with yourself, and be wise. Don’t just try and plough on as if all is okay inside you. Let yourself feel what you feel. Accept it is there. Then see what you need for yourself to move through it or heal it.
So, perhaps like you, I’ve been in both camps off and on in recent weeks. It’s normal. There is nothing linear or tidy about what we’re going through!
We will all grow and flex – and emerge from this an evolved person. Whilst I believe taking each day as it comes at the moment is still the best strategy, gently taking care of what is arising for us is also going to help us grow and prosper from these extraordinary circumstances.
And, please, if you’re feeling strong and clear-minded and resilient right now – thank you, keep going and be You. It’s a gift.
Much love,
Karen x
PS. If you’d like my support around your life and business at this time… here are some ways I can help…
Follow me on Facebook or LinkedIn. We are regularly posting insights, tips, some excellent online resources we come across and info re online classes etc coming up – all to keep you resilient and wise at this time.
Access my Online Resilience Series to help you take charge of your internal state, transform how you experience your work week, and finally find balance. Click here.
If you’re looking for a coaching solution to support you in the coming months, to help you rise through this time and hit the ground running as we move out of lockdown, be in touch and I’d be happy to explore the best option for you.
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