If you’ve been swinging between dealing with right now, and worrying about the future, you’re probably on par with many people. There are a few different opinions on this and I’ve given it some careful thought – right now the most useful place you could put your attention is on the here and now. I will write again about how to be thinking about the ... [Read On]
How to Make the Most of Your Holidays
Updated 15/12/21 One of my favourite tips to share with clients is this tiny but awesome strategy for getting the best out of your experience when you’re going on holiday. Whether it’s a long weekend or a month-long holiday, or anything in between, this simple practice can make a profound difference to how you experience your time away - and how ... [Read On]
Turning Work-Life Balance on its Head
You know, the expression ‘work-life balance’ is probably one of the most bandied about phrases of the working world? Of the entire Western world in fact? It’s also one of the biggest faux pas I can think of. We’ve been repeating it for decades now – without realising just what we’re doing to ourselves! Actually it reminds me of the ‘don’t ... [Read On]
A Great Life is Built on Brave Moments
I was talking to an old friend of mine the other day who I’ve known since we were kids. In the last couple of years he has gone from being a full-time primary school teacher, to teaching three days a week plus a bit of sports coaching. His stress levels have plummeted, his energy has sky rocketed and he’s living a lifestyle with his family that ... [Read On]