As some of my community will be aware, I’ve had a rather protracted health journey over the last almost 10 years or so. I recall lying in bed one day near the beginning of that journey, bowled over with glandular fever and unable to work. It was mid-afternoon and I was reading a book about healing the body and the importance of knowing why you want to be well. As I contemplated that question of why, I suddenly realised I didn’t want to get well.
You could’ve knocked me over with a feather if I hadn’t already been lying down. I was truly shocked as I lay there realising I did not want to get better.
As the shock subsided and I contemplated this feeling, I got curious about why I felt like that. One of the big reasons was that I didn’t want to get well only to be able to go back to working long, busy work weeks. Although I loved my work and it felt very much on purpose for me, how I was doing it and the quantity no longer felt okay. On top of that, somewhere along the way I’d lost track of what else I wanted time and energy for in my life.
As time went on I uncovered more patterns that weren’t serving me. Things like using not feeling well as a way to say no to things or people, which in the world of coaching and healing is otherwise known as a ‘secondary gain’; the thing we get out of having a problem. Sometimes we can have multiple secondary gains. Over time I unpacked and released these.
Through this I’ve discovered what really matters to me, what I want in my life and what I think is possible. I’ve come into more and more of what I call internal alignment with being fully healthy and well. That means I have more agreement within myself that being healthy is a good thing, and less of the conflicting voices (that can often run very much under the radar) that had me to-ing and fro-ing.
I now have much more clarity about what being fully healthy allows me to do in my world and capacity for choosing what feels right to me (or to say no to). Knowing what we don’t want can be just as important as what we do want when we’re looking for internal alignment.
Where true alignment gets really exciting is when it starts to give us access to the natural flow of life and the universe. There is a natural flow to life that you see in nature all the time. Simply observing a beautiful big oak tree moving through the seasons shows us this. It’s in a constant flow of growth through the spring and summer, then its leaves drop and it goes dormant but it is still moving through its own rhythm until it is spring again. This flow doesn’t stop, it is constant. The tree is not striving or pushing for anything, it is simply being itself and expressing life through itself.
It’s only when we are in our old conditioned patterns that we think life is hard, requires sacrifice and suffering, or that we don’t deserve anything we haven’t slogged for.
You are the tree. Life force is flowing through you, infinite intelligence is all around you and within you. This eternal flow is FOR you.
I’ve understood this on an intellectual level for some time, but my health journey has given me lived experience of it. Inner alignment and the resulting flow is for real! It’s not whimsical or some quantum mechanics ‘theory’. It is absolutely how life works. Science simply explains how this happens.
As that alignment and commitment to being well has solidified, I cannot tell you how easily the answers, support and solutions I need simply drop in. At first it surprised me, sometimes blew my mind, how I came upon people or information. Now I just smile with delight as it happens more and more frequently, as I recognise the beautiful ease of flow. Flow just doing its thing – flowing for me, for you.
The ease and effortlessness is astounding when you’re conditioned to trying hard, doing a lot doing, or have had inner conflict or confusion. As more answers and solutions have dropped in I’ve learned more about health and my body in recent years than the entire rest of my life!
I’ve also realised that this is where the miraculous happens. I was recently introduced to a health practitioner working with the electromagnetic fields of the body to help the body heal at a fundamental level. In two sessions over two weeks my overall health and energy increased more than it had in the previous year. It felt like a miracle!
I meditated on it: was this really a miracle?! I was shown it wasn’t the practitioner that was the miracle (although he is amazing!), it was being in complete alignment with my own well-being that meant anything or anyone in synergy with healing my body could come to me effortlessly and easily.
It’s our alignment that allows us to connect with what we need to live and experience life in a certain way. I’ve experienced ‘miracles’ like this numerous times in small ways yet this was a powerful confirmation; such a profound physical experience really crystalised it for me.
Synchronicity: another amazing phenomenon that shows up when you have alignment. A practitioner who’s helped me a lot is Dr Gary Dennis at Concussion Care. I came to know about his work Googling the Polyvagal theory of the nervous system for my work. During that search I came across a New Zealand chiropractor who provides an audio programme to help support better sleep. I contacted her to do the sleep programme for myself and she was the first person on my health journey to ask me, Have you had any knocks to your head? She then referred me to her husband, Dr Gary. So much flow!
These beautiful synchronicities are like magic dropping in from the universe if you ask me. Little sparks of light that sometimes shine so brightly you can’t help but see the providence in them. I’m constantly grateful for these moments; I have so many examples I could fill pages with them.
(BTW, to anyone with persistent issues around mental fogginess, fatigue, metabolic issues, low immunity or IBS/digestive issues … has any doctor or practitioner ever asked you if you’ve had any knocks to your head at any time in your life? Concussion is commonly under-diagnosed. 25% of all concussion cases go on to re-injure because they have not recovered properly in the first place. 50% of concussion cases are still symptomatic after one year. In all the years I’ve been searching for answers NO ONE had ever asked me this question and in fact I’d had four knocks to the head.)
You’ve probably heard the expression, there are no coincidences. When you recognise the natural flow of life and the synchronicity of it, you begin to recognise all those little moments as sparks of joyful flow. They are all around us, they happen all the time. As we come into more internal alignment and literally line up with who we are and what’s right for us, they flow like a constant jolly river.
So, dear one, where in your life do you want to be in more alignment? What do you want to be so lined up with within yourself that things can’t help but flood towards you?
Are you ready to use your inner alignment super-power to fill your life with everything you wish for?
Karen x