I’ve been thinking a lot a lot lately about how many of our patterns and behaviours are driven by a sense of needing to be available for others and to ‘perform’. Historically my motivation for getting a good night's sleep was so that I could work hard (usually for someone else). I was motivated to eat healthily and keep my weight at a good ... [Read On]
Your inner alignment is your super-power
As some of my community will be aware, I’ve had a rather protracted health journey over the last almost 10 years or so. I recall lying in bed one day near the beginning of that journey, bowled over with glandular fever and unable to work. It was mid-afternoon and I was reading a book about healing the body and the importance of knowing why you want ... [Read On]
Our unresolved stuff can be a sneaky little energy drain
Do you recall the sensation of finally getting something off your chest or resolving a situation with a friend? Of how much of a relief it was and how much lighter you felt afterwards? Isn’t it funny how often it’s only with retrospect that we realise how much that situation was taking up space within us? How heavy it was on our shoulders? This ... [Read On]
Start With You Means Having Sovereignty Over Yourself
When I rebranded my business to Start With You back in 2015, it was after a lot of exploring and soul-searching, primarily about why I do what I do and what it’s really about. (I can highly recommend Simon Sinek’s book “Start With Why” and his online resources to help with this process, by the way. Oh, and it wasn’t until the following day after ... [Read On]
How those work challenges help you step up as a human
A number of years ago I wrote an article about how our work journey is part of our spiritual journey, and partly what I was saying is that the work challenges we face are often growing us not just professionally but personally too. These days, for me, separating out our personal and professional selves is virtually impossible. I believe the whole ... [Read On]
On Making Time for Transformation – Part Two
So perhaps you’ve just read Part One of On Making Transformation, and you’re thinking How do I actually start making space for this? I find getting the logistics sorted around having time for yourself can be just as game-changing as getting your head around it! In this instalment: How do you make space? Let's make it okay to ... [Read On]
On Making Time for Transformation – Part One
Whether it's for deep transformation, some stress relief or anything in between, when a client decides to come to coaching or a friend says he’s starting a six week mindfulness course, I always do an internal hop-skip-and-a-jump of celebration. I think, Yay, good on you! How awesome to be taking that time for yourself and to be choosing ... [Read On]
How to create a Retreat Day at Home
As we arrive at the winter solstice here in the southern hemisphere, schedules are heating up and busy-ness abounds for many. It’s a good time, before another month whizzes by, to take the momentum by the hand and S L O W THINGS D O W N. How do you do that? As well as all the usual suspects like checking what you’re saying Yes to that could ... [Read On]