I’m a lover of language and words and meaning, and I particularly adore the power just one word can have. Today the word I want to rave about is ‘yet’. I’ve used the word ‘yet’ quite strategically for a long time, but a song popped into my Spotify Daily Mix the other day called, “The Power of Yet” by C J Luckey. Listening to this song really ... [Read On]
Could you be getting caught up in “I’ll try” thinking?
How easy is it to get caught up in “I’ll try” thinking ?? Do you hear yourself say it to people? “I’ll try and get that to you by this time.” “I’ll try and be there.” “I’ll try and do it.” “I’ll try” can mean I’m going to do this, but really I’m not that keen or enthusiastic. Or it feels too much on top of what I’m already doing. Or I’m ... [Read On]
Your inner alignment is your super-power
As some of my community will be aware, I’ve had a rather protracted health journey over the last almost 10 years or so. I recall lying in bed one day near the beginning of that journey, bowled over with glandular fever and unable to work. It was mid-afternoon and I was reading a book about healing the body and the importance of knowing why you want ... [Read On]
Start With You Means Having Sovereignty Over Yourself
When I rebranded my business to Start With You back in 2015, it was after a lot of exploring and soul-searching, primarily about why I do what I do and what it’s really about. (I can highly recommend Simon Sinek’s book “Start With Why” and his online resources to help with this process, by the way. Oh, and it wasn’t until the following day after ... [Read On]
Hiring a coach is an act of courage.
Gentlemen, this one is for you. Yes, I offer coaching for men, and at least half my coaching clients are male – business owners, directors, leaders and professionals. One of them was telling me yesterday about two recent conversations with male friends of his about their challenges around stress and mental health. He was feeling really good ... [Read On]
How to Trash Your Imposter Syndrome
Two of my favourite female entrepreneurs got together recently to talk about how to blitz your imposter syndrome. About living an unconventional life. And how we can start taking ourselves forward towards what we really want step-by-step. Join Kate Wright (of Intentio Business Design) interviewing Ash Ambirge of The Middle Finger Project (yes, ... [Read On]
A New Year and Decade but is it Really About Goals?
Every year I spend time on the first of January defining my goals and what’s important to me about the year ahead and mapping out plans, as you do. I really enjoy it and it generally comes quite effortlessly. But not this year. This year had a different flow altogether. I was travelling up north to the beach that day and it was a time of action and ... [Read On]